Zdolbuniv High School is located in the city of Zdolbuniv in western Ukraine, in the historical district of Volhnyja; It is 15 km from the administrative center of Rivne Oblast and 340 km from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
This industrial city with a lively history also has a rich multicultural heritage.
The school started its education in 1934 in the new school building of the Czech community in Zdolbuniv. Transformed into a high school in 1995, it has been called “Zdolbuniv High School” since 2007, although it changed some names in the following years. It has a humanistic understanding of education and is taught English, German and Polish as foreign languages.
In 2020, the school educated a total of 593 students by 53 teachers. The high school also includes an elementary school. In the Ukrainian school system, students attend a total of 11 school years. The Abitur, the “maturity examination” for university entrance, takes place after the 11th grade.
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gidilir. 11. sınıftan sonra, üniversiteye giriş için “olgunluk sınavı” olan Abitur yapılır.
„Dieses Projekt ist eine einmalige Gelegenheit, nicht nur aktiv mit Menschen auf Deutsch zu kommunizieren und ihre Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern, sondern auch einen tiefen Einblick in die Gedankenwelt junger Menschen unterschiedlicher kultureller Herkunft zu bekommen. Es bringt uns auch zu Perspektiven, wie wir in Zukunft internationale Bildungsstudien angehen sollten.” Alla Schmendel Deutschlehrerin am Zdolbuniv Gymnasium
oje, sadece insanlarla sadece aktif bir şekilde Almanca iletişim kurmak ve dil becerilerini geliştirmek için değil, daha çok farklı kültürel çevreden gençlerin düşünce dünyasına ait derinlemesine fikir edinebilmek için de eşsiz bir fırsattır. Ayrıca bizi, gelecekte uluslararası eğitim çalışmalarına nasıl yaklaşmamız gerektiğine dair perspektiflere de ulaştırır.”
Alla Schmendel
Zdolbuniv Lisesi Almanca öğretmeni
Vul. Nezalezhnosti 15
35700 Zdolbuniw